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Bordeaux Polymer Conference - May 28-31, 2018 - Bordeaux INP

Organic Polymers Polymerization Catalysis Macromolecular Engineering Natural Polymers Biopolymers Sustainable Polymer Chemistry Polymer Materials Polymer Devices Polymer Self-Assembly Physical-Chemistry of Polymers Functional Polymers
S. Anastasiadis
S. Anastasiadis
R. M. Waymouth
R. M. Waymouth
S. Schubert
S. Schubert
S. I. Stupp
S. I. Stupp
P. Guenoun
P. Guenoun
Monday Afternoon
Monday Afternoon
S. Armes
S. Armes

Plenary speakers

Markus AntoniettiProfessor Markus ANTONIETTI

Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces - Potsdam, Germany

Frank S. BatesProfessor Frank S. BATES

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA

Magnus BerggrenProfessor Magnus BERGGREN

Linköping University, Sweden

Ben L. FERINGAProfessor Ben L. FERINGA

University of Groningen, Netherlands

Robert H. GRUBBSProfessor Robert H. GRUBBS

Caltech, Pasadena, California, USA

Prof. Paula T. HAMMONDProfessor Paula T. HAMMOND

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Massachusetts , USA

Kazunori KATAOKAProfessor Kazunori KATAOKA

University of Tokyo, Japan

Ludwig LEIBLERProfessor Ludwik LEIBLER

ESPCI, Paris, France

Professor Krzysztof MATYJASZEWSKI

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, P ennsylvania , USA

Mitsuo SAWAMOTOProfessor Mitsuo SAWAMOTO

Chubu University, Japan

Samuel I. STUPPProfessor Samuel I. STUPP

Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA

Matthew TIRRELLProfessor Matthew TIRRELL

University of Chicago, Illinois, USA

Craig J. HAWKERProfessor Craig J. HAWKER

University of California Santa Barbara, California, USA