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Bordeaux Polymer Conference - May 28-31, 2018 - Bordeaux INP

Organic Polymers Polymerization Catalysis Macromolecular Engineering Natural Polymers Biopolymers Sustainable Polymer Chemistry Polymer Materials Polymer Devices Polymer Self-Assembly Physical-Chemistry of Polymers Functional Polymers
A. Goldmann
A. Goldmann
M. In
M. In
ACS editors
ACS editors
M. Grinstaff
M. Grinstaff
H.-A. Klok
H.-A. Klok
RSC award
RSC award
M. Meier
M. Meier
M. Vamvakaki
M. Vamvakaki
F. Eisenreich
F. Eisenreich
F. Bates
F. Bates
P. Lacroix-Desmazes
P. Lacroix-Desmazes
M. Wehbi
M. Wehbi

Professor Robert M. WAYMOUTH

Last update Friday 16 February 2018

Stanford University, CA, USA

Professor Robert M. WAYMOUTH

Robert Waymouth is the Robert Eckles Swain Professor of Chemistry at Stanford University.  He received B.S. in Mathematics and B.A. in Chemistry from Washington and Lee University and his Ph.D. in Chemistry at the Caltech in 1987 with Professor R.H. Grubbs.  He was a postdoctoral fellow with the late Professor Piero Pino at the ETH in Zurich in 1987 and joined the faculty at Stanford as an Assistant Professor in 1988.  He received the Alan T. Waterman Award from the NSF in 1996, the Cooperative Research Award in Polymer Science in 2009, and EPA's Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award in 2012 with Dr. James Hedrick.  He has won several university teaching awards, including the Walter J. Gores Award, the Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Award, and is currently a Bass Fellow in Undergraduate Education. His research interests are at the interface of Inorganic, Organic and Polymer Chemistry.  The Waymouth group applies mechanistic principles to develop new concepts in catalysis with the goal to advance new conceptual strategies for catalytic reactions to provide novel solutions to problems ranging from materials design, energy conversion, selective oxidation reactions, to drug delivery. Areas of focus include the development of organic or organometallic catalysts for the synthesis of macromolecules with novel chemical, physical or biological properties, selective catalytic (including electrocatalytic) redox reactions, and the application of new in-situ techniques for interrogating catalytic reactions.
