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Bordeaux Polymer Conference - May 28-31, 2018 - Bordeaux INP

Organic Polymers Polymerization Catalysis Macromolecular Engineering Natural Polymers Biopolymers Sustainable Polymer Chemistry Polymer Materials Polymer Devices Polymer Self-Assembly Physical-Chemistry of Polymers Functional Polymers
A. Bertin
A. Bertin
R. Poli
R. Poli
ACS (3)
ACS (3)
M. Antonietti
M. Antonietti
S. Caillol
S. Caillol
S. Armes
S. Armes
S. Maria
S. Maria
Group photo
Group photo
J. Van Hest
J. Van Hest
RSC award
RSC award

Professor Frank CARUSO

Last update Friday 16 February 2018

University of Melbourne, Australia

Professor Franck CARUSO

Frank Caruso is a professor and an ARC Australian Laureate Fellow at The University of Melbourne. He is also Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence on “Convergent Bio-Nano Science and Technology”. He received his PhD degree in 1994 from The University of Melbourne, and from 1994-1997 was at the CSIRO Division of Chemicals and Polymers in Melbourne. He was an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow and group leader at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (Berlin, Germany) from 1997–2002. From 2003-2012 he was an ARC Federation Fellow at The University of Melbourne. He has published over 400 peer-reviewed papers. He is one of Thomson Reuters’ Highly Cited, is an Executive Editor of Chemistry of Materials, and is on the Editorial Advisory Board of ten other scientific journals. He was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science in 2009.
