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Bordeaux Polymer Conference - May 28-31, 2018 - Bordeaux INP

Organic Polymers Polymerization Catalysis Macromolecular Engineering Natural Polymers Biopolymers Sustainable Polymer Chemistry Polymer Materials Polymer Devices Polymer Self-Assembly Physical-Chemistry of Polymers Functional Polymers
J.A. Pomposo
J.A. Pomposo
R. Hoogenboom
R. Hoogenboom
C. J. Hawker
C. J. Hawker
F. Eisenreich
F. Eisenreich
Poster session
Poster session
J. Kennemur
J. Kennemur
Wine & Posters
Wine & Posters
T. J. Deming
T. J. Deming
J. M. Asua
J. M. Asua
ACS (1)
ACS (1)

Panel discussion




Because polymers are extremely controversial materials in the eyes of the general public, the Bordeaux Polymer Conference (BPC), one of the major polymer conference of the year, is the perfect occasion to question our role as scientists as well as eco-citizens. Building upon this reflection, a panel discussion is organized on the very last day of BPC to reflect on scientific innovation in our society:

Is scientific innovation still the answer to our global issues? 

In addition to the purely scientific sessions of the conference, this opened debate will be the perfect occasion to discuss the impact of science and innovation with economic, environmental, and societal considerations as a more comprehensive backdrop. The panel discussion will be opened to the public of BPC and to any person interested in the debate. It will bring together a wide and broad audience with participants coming from academia and industry but also from start-ups, NGOs and foundations as well as from the political and the journalistic spheres. Ingenious and creative ideas will certainly come out of this multiculturalism.

The format

This unprecedented initiative will be organized in the form of a panel discussion. A panel of 5 experts from academiaindustries and NGOs will discuss about the future of scientific innovation under the guidance of a chairman. Additional guests from very diverse horizons (politicians, start-ups, foundations…) will be able to actively participate to the debate from the audience. Time slots will be saved to allow anybody to ask questions and to enrich the debate with additional remarks.